Gabriel Angelini-Knoll


Primary Instructor

    Freie Universität Berlin

    Summer 2022

    Topology I
    An introduction to algebraic topology and point-set topology for undergraduate students.
    Course Website

    Summer 2021

    A seminar course on group actions and symmetries for undergraduate students.
    Course Website

    Summer 2022

    Cyclic Homology
    A seminar course on cyclic homology, free loop spaces, and generalized Chern characters for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Winter 2020/21

    Algebraic K-Theory
    A course on algebraic K-theory, fundamental theorems, and applications for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Winter 2020/21

    Equivariant stable homotopy theory
    A seminar course introducing equivariant stable homotopy theory for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Summer 2020

    Homology and Cohomology of Groups
    A seminar course introducing group cohomology for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Winter 2019/20

    Simplicial Methods in Topology
    A seminar course on simplicial sets for undergraduate students.
    Course Website

    Michigan State University

    Spring 2019

    Algebraic Topology II
    A course on homotopy theory, spectral sequences, and characteristic classes for graduate students.

    Fall 2018

    Calculus I
    A first year calculus course covering differential calculus in one variable.

    Spring 2018

    Abstract Algebra I and Number Theory
    A first course in basic number theory and ring theory for undergraduate students.

    Fall 2017

    Business Calculus Section 001
    A first course in calculus for Business and Life Sciences majors.

    Business Calculus Section 013
    A first course in calculus for Business and Life Sciences majors.

    Wayne State University

    Fall 2015

    College Algebra
    An introductory course in college algebra and trigonometry for undergraduates.

    Winter 2015

    College Algebra
    An introductory course in college algebra and trigonometry for undergraduates.

    Winter 2014

    College Algebra
    An introductory course in college algebra and trigonometry for undergraduates.

    Fall 2013

    Elementary Functions
    A course to prepare undergraduate students for calculus.

    Summer 2013

    Elementary Statistics
    An introductory course in probabilty and statistics.

    Math in Today's World
    A quantitative literacy course on probabilty, statistics, and voting methods with real world applications.

    Winter 2013

    Elementary Functions
    A course to prepare undergradute students for calculus.

    Fall 2012

    Elementary Functions
    A course to prepare undergraduate students for calculus.

    Summer 2012

    Math in Today's World
    A quantitative literacy course on probabilty, statistics, and voting methods with real world applications.

Secondary Instructor

    Univesité Sorbonne Paris Nord

    Fall 2023

    Geometry and topology
    An introduction to algebraic topology for undergraduate students.
    Course Website

    Freie Universität Berlin

    Winter 2021/22

    Higher Algebra II
    A course on infinity operads for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Winter 2021/22

    Higher Algebra
    A course on infinity categories for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Summer 2020

    Topologie III
    A course on homotopy theory for graduate students.
    Course Website

    Winter 2019/20

    Topologie II
    An course on homology and cohomology for graduate students.
    Course Website

Working group organizer

    Univesité Sorbonne Paris Nord

    Winter/Spring 2023

    The chromatic nullstellensatz
    A working group on the recent advances in chromatic homotopy theory and algebraic K-theory.

    Freie Universität Berlin

    Summer 2022

    Hermitian K-theory
    A seminar on surgery theory and quadratic forms.
    Course Website

    Winter 2021/22

    Geometry and Topology research seminar
    A research seminar with visiting speakers and internal speakers.
    Course Website

    Winter 2020/21

    Higher Symmetry
    A research seminar on equivariant homotopy theory and higher categories.
    Course Website

    Summer 2020

    K-theory of pullbacks
    A research seminar on recent advances in algebraic K-theory.
    Course Website

    Winter 2019/20

    Chromatic homotopy theory
    A research seminar on chromatic homotopy theory from an algebraic geometry perspective.
    Course Website

    Michigan State University

    Winter 2019/20

    Algebraic K-theory
    A research seminar on algenbraic K-theory for graduate students in algebraic geometry and topology.